Sullair 750HH - Sprężarkowe osuszacze powietrza - Sprzęt budowlany - CATERPILLAR WORLDWIDE
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Sullair 750HH

Sullair 750HH

5 416 h
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Adelaide, SA
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Podstawowe informacje
MarkaSullair 750HH
Grupa produktówSprężarkowe osuszacze powietrza
Numer fabryczny2001023010
Nr ew. wew.UA150
Numer katalogu4890861
Rok produkcji2008
Godzin5 416 h
LokalizacjaAdelaide, Australia
Cena bez VAT26 343 USD
VAT (10%)2 634 USD
Cena z VAT28 977 USD
Dane szczegółowe
Dodatkowe informacjeDETAILS:
• Class: Compressors
• Stock No.: UA150
• Manufacturer Year: 2008
• Hours: 5,416
• Location: Adelaide SA

• Length inc. drawbar (mm): 5,180
• Width (mm): 2,265
• Height (mm): 2,450
• Wet weight (Kg): 4,662

• Heavy duty, ex Cat Rental Power, sound attenuated, enclosed diesel driven compressor
• Heavy duty Caterpillar diesel engine
• Sullair oil flooded rotary screw compressor
• Mounted on a four wheel trailer for maximum mobility
• Complete with integrated daily service fuel tank
• Dry air after cooler fitted
• Heavy duty lead acid start batteries fitted inside the canopy
• Rated output 750 cfm at 80-175 psi (354lps at 5.5-12 bar)
• Ready to run
(Prices quoted are exclusive of GST)


Products advertised as 'Used' may have experienced moderate to heavy usage. All used equipment is tested prior to release, however, may not have been tested in line with manufacturer specification. Some items/components may show signs of wear and tear as is common with used equipment. In some instances, accessories may vary from original (for example, software, drawings, or manuals may be missing or differ from the current configuration).

Please refer to Hazard Statement as equipment may not be compliant with relevant Australian Standard.

Inspection of used equipment is highly recommended prior to purchase. Photos and descriptions should be used as a guide only.
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