Tilbake til annonsen

Offered by the dealer

Kundeverdiavtale: 2 yr / 24 month CVA
Ziegler CAT


Selv de best bygde maskinene trenger etter hvert reparasjoner, som ofte skjer på det verste tidspunktet – midt i en stor jobb, når det er knapt med økonomi eller like etter at garantien utløper. Lær mer om de mange fordelene ved å ha en Equipment Projection Plan (EPP) på plass for maskineri og tungt utstyr.

Cat® Customer Value Agreements (CVAs): What is a CVA, and How Does it Benefit Me?

CVAs are custom equipment ownership plans that extend your equipment life and maximize your investment. Whatever your industry, whatever your Cat product — get the most out of it with a CVA.

How Does a CVA Benefit Me?

  • Right sized: there is a CVA for every product and industry.
  • Exclusive access: CVAs come with as-needed dealer advice, easy order Genuine Cat Parts, and flexible payment options -- only for CVA customers.
  • Service and support: get flexible service options, troubleshooting, diagnostics, and repairs with Genuine Cat Parts -- all from your local dealer and trained technicians.
  • Equipment monitoring: know how your equipment is performing at all times with a Cat CVA. Access to digital monitoring tools 24/7, anywhere with internet access.